Welcome to SocialInformer
Your go-to site for Social Media issues.
Social Media has become a worldwide phenomenon, and with it has come a number of issues that affect users on a daily basis. When you want to seek help or learn about certain issues, you want it quickly. So doing a Google Search and being presented with endless results is not your best bet. SocialInformer aims to present you with the positive and negative effects of social media in one place. So you don't have to jump from website to website scanning lengthy articles to find what you are looking for. You can choose where to go next, below:
What is Social Media?
An introduction and brief history about Social Media and its usage.
The Positive Effects of Social Media
Social Media is so vast and with it comes windows of opportunities, as well as numerous resources that can help benefit users daily.
The Negative Effects of Social Media
Social Media is used by billions of users around the globe, but there are some major detriments that affect people on a day-to-day basis. Understanding them can help mitigate these.
Advice on Social Media
Social media has a number of negative effects related to it. Seeking help and advice to try and mitigate the detriments is, therefore, vital.
Social Media Quiz
Have a go and test your knowledge of Social Media and its effects by taking our Quiz. Stay Safe and Have Fun!